Infantry Weapons of US Marine Corps
7:28 PM
Posted by Peace Keeper
The basic infantry weapon of the Marine Corps is the M16 assault rifle family, with a majority of Marines being equipped with the M16A2 or M16A4 service rifles (the M16A2 is being phased out). The M4 carbine, a compact variant of the M16, has also been issued. The standard side arm is the M9 pistol. Suppressive fire is provided by the M249 SAW and M240G machine guns, at the squad and company levels respectively. In addition, indirect fire is provided by the M203 grenade launcher in fireteams, M224 60 mm mortar in companies, and M252 81 mm mortar in battalions. The M2 .50 caliber heavy machine gun and MK19 automatic grenade launcher (40 mm) are available for use by dismounted infantry, though they are more commonly vehicle-mounted. Precision firepower is provided by the M40 sniper rifle and M82 anti-materiel rifle by Scout Snipers, while designated marksmen use the DMR (being replaced by the M39 EMR), and the SAM-R.
The Marine Corps utilizes a variety of direct-fire rockets and missiles to provide infantry with an offensive and defensive anti-armor capability. The SMAW and AT4 are unguided rockets that can destroy armor and fixed defenses (e.g., bunkers) at ranges up to 500 meters. The Predator SRAW, FGM-148 Javelin and BGM-71 TOW are anti-tank guided missiles. The Javelin can utilize top-attack profiles to avoid heavy frontal armor. The Predator is a short-range fire-and-forget weapon; the Javelin and TOW are heavier missiles effective past 2,000 meters that give infantry an offensive capability against armor.Weapons utilized
The basic infantry weapon of the United States Marine Corps is the M16 assault rifle family, with a majority of Marines being equipped with the M16A2 or M16A4 service rifles, or more recently the M4 carbine—a compact variant. Suppressive fire is provided by the M249 SAW and M240G machine guns, at the squad and company levels respectively. In addition, indirect fire is provided by the M203 grenade launcher in fireteams, M224 60 mm mortar in companies, and M252 81 mm mortar in battalions. The M2 .50 caliber heavy machine gun and MK19 automatic grenade launcher (40 mm) are available for use by dismounted infantry, though they are more commonly vehicle-mounted. Precision fire is provided by the Designated Marksman Rifle, which is being replaced by the M39 Enhanced Marksman Rifle, and M40A3 sniper rifle.
The Marine Corps utilizes a variety of direct-fire rockets and missiles to provide infantry with an offensive and defensive anti-armor capability. The SMAW and AT4 are unguided rockets that can destroy armor and fixed defenses (e.g. bunkers) at ranges up to 500 meters. The Predator SRAW, FGM-148 Javelin and BGM-71 TOW are anti-tank guided missiles. All three can utilize top-attack profiles to avoid heavy frontal armor. The Predator is a short-range fire-and-forget weapon; the Javelin and TOW are heavier missiles effective past 2,000 meters that give infantry an offensive capability against armor.
Marines are also capable of deploying less-lethal weaponry as the situation dictates. Part of a Marine Expeditionary Unit earning the Special Operations Capable designator requires a company-sized unit capable of riot control.
Some older weapons are used for ceremonial purposes, such as the Silent Drill Platoon's M1 Garands, or the use of the M101 howitzer for gun salutes.
Active use
- CS gas
- OC spray
- Rubber, beanbag, & plastic bullet
- Riot shield
- Baton
- M6/M7 series chemical grenade
- M84 stun grenade
- Sting grenade
- Laser dazzler
Bladed weapons
- M7 bayonet - currently being phased out
- OKC-3S bayonet
- Ka-Bar - generally issued to Marines who carry pistols, machine guns, or other non-bayonet compatible firearms
- Marine non-commissioned officers' sword, 1859-present - ceremonial use only
- Marine Officers' Mameluke Sword, 1875-Present - ceremonial use only
[edit] Pistols
- Beretta M9 9 mm Pistol - standard sidearm, gradually adding M9A1 versions
- MEU(SOC) .45 pistol - issued to MEU (SOC) forces
Rifles & Carbines
- M16A2 & M16A4 Assault Rifles - M16A2 is phasing out
- M4 Carbine
- M4A1 Close Quarter Battle Weapon (CQBW)
- Squad Advanced Marksman Rifle (SAM-R)
- Mark 12 Mod 1 Special Purpose Rifle[5][6][7][8][9][10]
- Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR)
- M39 Enhanced Marksman Rifle
- M40A1 & M40A3 Sniper Rifles
- M82A1A & M82A3 & M107 Sniper Rifles
- Mk 11 Mod 0
- M870 12-gauge pump
- M1014 12-gauge automatic
- Mossberg 500/590
Machine Guns
- M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun
- M240G 7.62 mm Medium Machine Gun
- M249 5.56 mm Squad Automatic Weapon
Hand Grenades & Grenade Launchers
- M67 Hand Grenade (Fragmentation)
- AN-M14 Hand Grenade (Incendiary)
- Mk 141 Mod 0 Hand Grenade "flash-bang"
- Smoke Grenade
- M203 40 mm Rifle-Mounted Grenade Launcher
- MK19 40 mm Automatic Grenade Launcher
- M224 60 mm Mortar
- M252 81 mm Extended Range Mortar
- M198 155 mm Medium Howitzer - currently being phased out
- M777 155mm Lightweight Howitzer
- High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)
Missile Launchers
- M136 AT4 Rocket
- Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW)
- FGM-148 Javelin Anti-Tank missile
- BGM-71 Tube Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire Guided (TOW) Missile Weapon System
- FGM-172 Predator Short-Range Assault Weapon (SRAW)
- FIM-92 Stinger anti-aircraft missile
- M240G 7.62 mm Medium Machine Gun
- M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun
- M48 Turret-type .50 Caliber Machine Gun
- MK19 40 mm Grenade Machine Gun
- BGM-71 Tube Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire Guided (TOW) Missile Weapon System
- M242 Bushmaster 25mm Autocannon
- Mk44 Bushmaster II 30mm Autocannon
- M256A1 120 mm smoothbore gun
Guns- GAU-12/U 25 mm Gatling gun
- GAU-16/A .50 Caliber Machine gun
- GAU-17/A 7.62 mm automatic gun
- GAU-2B/A 7.62 mm automatic gun
- M61 20 mm automatic cannon
- M197 20 mm automatic cannon
- Bombs
- CBU-99 Cluster Bomb
- GBU-10 2000 lb laser guided bomb
- GBU-12 500 lb laser guided bomb
- GBU-16 1000 lb laser guided bomb
- MK82 series 500 lb bomb
- MK83 series 1000 lb bomb
- MK84 series 2000 lb bomb
- Missiles
- AGM-65 Maverick
- AGM-84 Harpoon
- AGM-114 Hellfire
- AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon
- AIM-7 Sparrow
- AIM-9 Sidewinder
- Rockets
- Hydra 70
- M260 70 mm Rocket Launcher
- M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel mine
- M15 anti-tank mine
- M19 anti-tank mine
- M21 anti-tank mine
- M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC)
- Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP)
- Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG), recently renamed Rifle Combat Optic (RCO)
- ITL MARS reflex sight
- AN/PSQ-18 day/night grenade launcher sight
- AN/PVS-10 night vision sight
- AN/PVS-14 night vision sight
- AN/PVS-17 night vision sight
- AN/PAS-13 thermal sight
- AN/PAQ-4 IR laser sight
- AN/PEQ-2 IR laser sight
- various suppressors (MARSOC and Reconnaissance units only)
- various tactical lights
- M2 tripod for light and medium machineguns
- M122 tripod for light and medium machineguns
- M3 tripod for heavy machineguns
Testing/Limited Use
Marines with MARSOC, Force Reconnaissance, and MEU(SOC)s occasionally use specialized weapons that the rest of the fleet does not. In addition, some weapons are tested and evaluated in select units before acceptance and large-scale adoption. In a few cases, older weapons are brought out of retirement for limited use.
- Active Denial System - in evaluation
- Strider SMF - MCSOCOM Detachment One only
- Kimber ICQB - MCSOCOM Detachment One only
- Heckler & Koch MP5 - MARSOC and Force Reconnaissance only
- FN SCAR - Being tested for MARSOC
- M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle - in development to partially replace the M249 SAW
- KAC Masterkey - in evaluation
- Multi-shot Accessory Underbarrel Launcher - in evaluation
- M60E3 7.62 mm Machine Gun - Special operations
- M79 grenade launcher - limited use
- M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher - in evaluation
- Ruger Mini-14 - limited issue to some Marine Security Guard Detachments in U.S. diplomatic facilities
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